Declaring Truth, Praying the Promises, Rediscovering Identity and Overcoming everyday life challenges.
The words we speak can set the course for our future. I declare by Joel Osteen encourages us to speak God’s promises over our lives daily, one for each day of the month.
It helps affirm God’s blessings over every area of our lives by declaring faith, hope, and victory over our families, friends and our future. says Joel Osteen
Day 20 – Declaring God’s Plan Over Your Plan
I DECLARE that I am calm and peaceful. I will not let people or circumstances upset me. I will rise above every difficulty, knowing that God has given me the power to remain calm. I choose to live my life happy, bloom where I am planted, and let God fight my battles. This is my declaration.Use the Subscribe form on the sidebar to reach out! I’d love to connect with you. #RUTHYEMPIRE
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