Today we bring you spiritual warfare prayers to get married. These miracle prayers for marriage are meant to restore your marital desires. Your desire may vary from prayers before proposal, prayer points for intending couples, or even praying to miracle prayers to get married soon; all these can be answered on the grounds of prayer.
1. Father in the name of Jesus, I destroy every plan and enterprise of the wicked against my marital destiny.
2. May all evil agenda that has been set up to stop me from getting married be destroyed in the name of Jesus.
3. I pray that every desire of my enemies and the wicked one that is forged against my plans of getting married be destroyed.
4. Dear Lord, I pray that you frustrate every work of the enemy against my marital life and make their plans null and void in the name of Jesus.
5. I lose myself from the tentacles and the grip of all my adversaries. I declare that I am free from all their evil hold upon my marital life in the name of Jesus.
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6. In the name of Jesus, I decree that let there be a rain of fire and hailstone upon the heads of all enemies of my breakthrough in marriage.
7. May every evil eye stirring against my marriage go blind. May all evil hands working against my getting married grow weak. May the Lord cause every one of their plans over my marriage to fail in the name of Jesus.
8. Father in the name of Jesus, I release the angels of Heaven to fight on my behalf. I pray the angels of Heaven to fight every marital battle in my life. Let them destroy every evil force against my marital establishment in the name of Jesus.
9. Lord Jesus, I pray at this very hour that may all evil covering over my life be removed by the blood of Jesus. May every veil covering my marital destiny be taken away in the name of Jesus.
10. Let all that wish bad for me as relates to my plans of getting married see the wrath of God. Let all their evil plans for my life come upon them and overtake them in the name of Jesus.
11. Father, you said surely the enemy shall gather but because their gathering is not of you, they shall be dispersed. I pray that every gathering of the wicked one against my getting married is overturned. I decree that you scatter all their gatherings in the name of Jesus.
12. Let your fire fall. Let your lightning be seen in the camp of my enemies. Let your fire burn all their schemes and plans in the name of Jesus. My marriage is sure in the name of Jesus.
13. By the blood of Jesus Christ, I come against every divination, every enchantment, every scheme of the wicked one against my marital destiny. May they all fail in the name of Jesus.
14. Father Lord. Just as you turned the counsel of Ahitophel to foolishness in your word, bring every evil counsel against my plans of getting married to naught. Make all the counsel and strategies of my enemies be turned to foolishness.
15. Father in Jesus’ name, I plead the blood of Jesus upon all my marriage plans, upon all that concerns me, I decree that I am covered in the name of Jesus from every evil.
16. May every manipulation of the enemy against my marital destiny be diminished in the name of Jesus.
17. The word of God said, he will give his angels charge over me. I decree that the enemy hands off my marital life. I decree that God takes charge of my marital destiny. I decree God is establishing all my marital plans in the name of Jesus.
18. I wage war against every enemy of my marital destiny. I bind you and all your plans. I pray that you and your plans are powerless over me in the name of Jesus.
19. May the angels of God chase the wicked. May their light be put off. May they never find rest for their souls, all that seek evil against my marriage in the name of Jesus.
20. Exodus 14:14 says, God will fight for me and I will hold my peace. I decree that God takes over every marital battle in my life. I pray that he causes all of my plans to be established in the name of Jesus.
Prayers to Get Married to the Man I Love
Miracle prayers to get married soon are unique and specific to every one of us, one might be making prayers to get married to the man I love while another might be making prayers believing God for a wife, all-inclusive, it is to the end that we might all have our desires. Below is a list of prayers to get married to the man I love.
21. You said we should ask and we would receive, I ask that you cause lines to fall in place for me and cause that my path and that of brother ____________ to meet in the name of Jesus.
22. Father in the name of Jesus, every veil covering ___________ from seeing me, I pray that you remove that veil and cause his eyes to be open to seeing me in the name of Jesus.
23. Father direct the steps and heart of ___________ my way. If he is confused, set his heart right in the name of Jesus.
24. In the name of Jesus, I pray that every relationship holding ___________ from coming after me is dissolved in the name of Jesus.
25. Father, make every satanic barrier keeping me from meeting ____________ be torn apart in the name of Jesus.
26. Lord I believe that you have created ____________ for me, show it to him and bring it to pass speedily in the name of Jesus.
27. Father send your angels to order the step of _______________. Send them to bring him my way in the name of Jesus.
28. By the blood of Jesus, reveal to _______________ the mystery of marriage. Cause him to understand. Enlighten his eyes in the name of Jesus.
29. Father in your name, I break off every enchantment against _________. Let the grip of the wicked over his life wear away in the name of Jesus.
30. Father break ___________ from every form of stagnation in his finances and endeavors. Open doors for him in the name of Jesus.
31. Lord, all that would be needed for him to settle down martially, Father in the name of Jesus, grant them unto him in the name of Jesus.
32. I avert every projection against ____________. All of their plans targeted against him from settling down, be canceled in the name of Jesus.
33. Father by your mercy, if __________ has been entangled in any form of evil marital agreement or relationship, I decree his freedom now in the name of Jesus.
34. By the word of God, I break every evil covenant that he has entered knowingly or unknowingly that is harming him or stagnating him. Father by mercy, let him be released in the name of Jesus.
35. I come to you Lord, thanking you for delivering _______________ from every form of marital stagnation. Thank you for the restoration of his life.
36. Dear Lord. You know that I love _____________. Make lines fall in place for us. Let your will be done as relates to our marriage in the name of Jesus.
37. Father in the name of Jesus, divinely position _____________ to see me. Cause that our paths would cross.
38. Father in the name of Jesus, divinely place me in the direction of ________________. Cause his eyes to see me and be fixated on me.
39. May all desire of the enemy in the life of ______________ and against our marriage be destroyed in the name of Jesus.
40. You said we should ask and we shall receive. Father, I ask that you would cause ____________ to be released for every parasitic relationship. And cause him to find me in the name of Jesus.
Prayers to Get Married to the Woman I Love
41. Lord, you know that I love __________ and I intend to marry her. I pray that you cause your will for both of us to be done in the name of Jesus.
42. I commit _______ and me into your hands. Let all barriers towards hampering our togetherness be broken in the name of Jesus.
43. Make all things and circumstances fall in my favor so I can get married to __________ in the name of Jesus.
44. You said that you shall supply all of my needs. Lord, I ask that all the spiritual, financial, and emotional needs of my fiancé, please supply in the name of Jesus.
45. Holy Spirit I ask that you orchestrate an event that will bring __________ and myself together.
46. By mercy, cause your face shine upon our plans of settling down and show us your favorites in the name of Jesus.
47. Lord, concerning ______________, order our steps to one another in the name of Jesus.
48. Father, I pray for your protection over my fiancé. I ask that you send your angels to keep her and
lead her on the right path in the name of Jesus.
49. Father, I pray for ___________ this moment, and I am asking that if she is in an abusive relationship, bring her out of it in the name of Jesus.
50. Father, I ask that you bring an end to every counsel or gathering against my marital settlement with ___________ in the name of Jesus.
51. Lord, I ask that you divinely position me in the life of _____________ so we can be together in the name of Jesus.
52. Lord in the name of Jesus, remove _________ from every evil marital covenant affecting her in the name of Jesus.
53. I beak every blockade stopping me from meeting _____________. Let them be destroyed in the name of Jesus.
54. Father place me in the face of _____________, make me irresistible before her in the name of Jesus.
55. Father, I desire, that you give ______________ the heart to love me just the same way that I love her in the name of Jesus.
56. Father I ask watch over __________ . Protect her from all evil and arrows of the enemy.
57. My utmost desire is that you will give her peace of mind. Every trouble in the heart of my fiancé, father let it be taken away in the name of Jesus.
58. Every evil projection against the woman I love, I decree that it is averted in the name of Jesus.
59. By the blood of Jesus, preserve her from all wickedness. By your mercy, we shall have a successful wedding and marriage.
60. Father, I ask in the name of Jesus, all that would be needed for our successful union, make abundant provision.
Prayer Points for Marriage Proposal
61. Father, as I speak to _____________, please give me the right words. Let every word that I speak captures her heart in the name of Jesus.
62. Lord, season my words and lips with grace to know what to say to her. Let no idle word come out of my mouth.
63. Father, cause every situation to be favorable for me as I make my proposal to my fiancé.
64. As I make my proposal to ___________, make her heart viable to accept my offer in the name of Jesus.
65. Holy Spirit the revealer, reveal all forms of pretense in the life of my spouse in the name of Jesus before my proposal.
66. Father as I make my proposal to ______________ cause all environmental factor and the location to work in my favor in the name of Jesus.
67. In the name of Jesus, I pray that you help me to be right on time. Lead me to make my proposal at the right time and moment.
68. Father, you know all things and the thoughts of man. Lord, I ask that you perfect my plan as relates to my proposal to ____________.
69. Lord, I do not want to make a mistake. That is why I ask that in this critical moment, show me what to do and how to go about it in the name of Jesus.
70. Father grant me the grace to make the correct choice. Help me not to make a mistake in the name of Jesus.
71. If there be anything that seems hidden in the life of my fiancé, please before I make my proposal help me find it out in the name of Jesus.
72. Father in the name of Jesus, I ask that every plan and step I take towards my marriage proposal be successful in the name of Jesus.
73. Every distraction that might arise before or after our marriage proposal, father in the name of Jesus cancels them.
74. Father, I pray that you enable me to love my spouse now and even after my proposal to my fiancé in the name of Jesus.
75. By the blood of Jesus, every wicked plan against a successful marriage proposal between myself and my spouse be dissolved in the name of Jesus.
76. Father I humbly ask that may all my marriage proposal plans be successful and go as planned in the name of Jesus.
77. Father give me the courage to make my vow/ proposal to my fiancé in the name of Jesus.
78. In the name of Jesus, settle every personal problem, myself and my fiancé are going through before I make my proposal in the name of Jesus.
79. Lord Jesus, make your grace abundant for me as I make my vows to my fiancé
80. Father correct all mistakes that might come up before my proposal in the name of Jesus.
Effective Miracle Prayers to Get Married Soon
81. I bind and shatter every chain upon my plans of getting married soon. I decree that they are destroyed by the blood of Jesus.
82. Lord just as I desire to settle down soon in marriage, cause my desire to come to pass. Make my plans happen in the name of Jesus.
83. Every gathering that has been set to thwart my plans for a successful early marriage is condemned now, in the name of Jesus.
84. Because I have committed my plans wedding plans into God’s hands, he will establish all my plans and bring them to pass in the mighty name of Jesus.
85. Every evil counsel against me and my spouse from getting married soon is consumed by fire.
86. By the power in the name of Jesus, I avert all enchantments of the wicked against my marital settlement.
87. Every covenant that I have entered or my fiancé, that is hampering us from our marital destiny, we decree it void in the name of Jesus.
88. Father in the name of Jesus, make all things fall in place for myself and my spouse to get married soon
89. I decree a speedy marital establishment for myself and my fiancée in the name of Jesus.
90. Cause the deep longing of my heart concerning my marital destiny for this year be established in the name of Jesus.
91. I ask that whatever would is needed for me to get married soon, Lord, please make provision, in the name of Jesus.
92. Relieve me and my family from all concerns of my heart as relates to my quick marital settlement in the name of Jesus.
93. Father, I believe that you want me to get married soon, help me that I do not be a blockade to the fulfillment of your will for my life in the name of Jesus.
94. Father as we get prepared to get married soon, make all our needs met and all things available in the name of Jesus.
95. Give me wisdom as I make plans for my wedding and marriage which will be happening soon in the name of Jesus.
96. Father, take care of every parental disagreement that is channeled towards me from getting married soon, in the name of Jesus.
97. Father, relieve my parents from every marital concern over my life and bring me a spouse so I can get married soon in the name of Jesus.
98. As I get married soon, give myself and my spouse the heart to respect and honor each other in the name of Jesus.
99. Father, give me the strength to overcome every temptation that might persist as I prepare to get married soon, in the name of Jesus.
100. Father, I thank you for making all things available for me to get married soon.
Marriage Prayer Points for Finding a Godly Spouse
101. Lord, you know that I desire to have someone I would love and who would also love me back. My prayer at this moment is that you would give me that man/woman who you want for me.
102. Dear Father, you know the thoughts which you have towards me, and I am using this medium to ask that you send me my spouse who would compliment me and help meet all that I look for in a marital partner.
103. Dear Lord, you have promised that you will not withhold anything good from me and that you will give me the desires of my heart. Marriage is a good thing and so I am asking that you grant me my desire for a godly spouse.
104. You said that I should ask and I will receive it. I, therefore, ask that you bring me a godly man/woman. One that would represent you and be a blessing to my life, in the name of Jesus.
105. Father, I thank you for the blessing of a godly spouse, I am doing this in anticipation of what you are set to do as relates to my marital life, in the name of Jesus.
106. Lord I pray for speed in my search for a godly spouse but Lord just as I desire a speedy accomplishment of this request, I also want that it happens in your own time and in your way, in the name of Jesus.
107. In Jesus’ name, I desire to enter marriage and I do not want just a man/woman but one that would love and be obedient to you, and the things that pertain to you.
108. My Father in Heaven, I want to start a relationship that would end in marriage but I do not want to start anyhow and with just anyone. I want one that would honor you. And so, I am praying that you would give me a godly man/woman who would aid this desire. All these I ask in Jesus’ name.
109. Lord, I come lifting your promises towards me back to you as it pertains to a godly spouse, and I am asking that you would fulfill these promises and grant my request of a godly spouse in Jesus’ name.
110. Lord, I am lifting my spouse wherever He/ She is, and I am asking that you would give them a good heart and kind heart, you will make Him/ Her fear you and you will give them the grace to live a righteous life in Jesus’ name.
111. Father in the name of Jesus, just as you created Eve for Adam, I believe that you have created me for that one God-ordained person. I ask that may you cause this to come to pass in the name of Jesus.
112. Father, in the name of Jesus, I break every yoke of the wicked one on me from finding a godly spouse in the name of Jesus.
113. Father in the name of Jesus, I pray that you cause a divine arrangement for me to meet my God-ordained spouse.
114. May the will of God concerning my finding a godly spouse come to pass in the name of Jesus.
115. You said in the book of proverbs that a prudent wife comes from the Lord, and so Father I am asking that you cause to come my way a prudent and virtuous man/woman this week, in the name of Jesus.
116. Father in the name of Jesus, I have served you and I ask that you reward me with the blessing of a godly spouse.
117. Lord I ask that may my eyes be enlightened to see that woman/ man who you have ordained for me in marriage. Help me to know this and be convinced when I see him/ her in the name of Jesus.
118. Father in Jesus’ name, direct my heart and cause my steps to be ordered by you this week to meet my help meet/ soul mate in the name of Jesus.
119. Father in Jesus, may you cause that there be a divine arrangement for me and that man/ woman that you desire for me in marriage. Help me that I do not miss this in the name of Jesus.
120. Father in the name of Jesus, may I never get the bone of my flesh but the bone of my bone. That one that has been formed from me and for me in the name of Jesus. I ask that may your will for me come to pass in the name of Jesus.
Via: Matchlessdaily.com
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